Japanese Mr. Shuiguzhun, a staff of Japanese aid organization, coming to do a field survey, surprisingly found the vast differences between the two buildings (primary school teaching building and local government house). He doubted that why government lavished so much money to build such a splendid building, while the primary school teaching building looked like “ruin”, although, the Japanese organization finally approved of allocating supporting funds to the school. But this survey was put on a Japanese newspaper. Chinese shame, isn't it? Treating pupils as this way, really unbearable.
It is universally acknowledged that Japan is generous to education. The most beautiful building you can see in countryside is absolutely a school teaching building, because the Japan education funds take up 6% of its national income, ranking 1st in the world. After world war Ⅱ, controlling consuming, saving money for education became their basic national policy. So how could Mr. Shuiguzhun understand?

How paradoxical! How dare you stay in a well-decorated, full-appointed office, but take no notice to the school in such a tough condition only 10 km far away. Compulsory education should be one of the significant issues that government concerns. Don’t you feel ashamed of using others money to rebuild the school, and you, enjoy the “sinful” comfortable, and disregarded totally!
Shabby school, and the grand government house, being put together, it is self-evident. The more the government explained the more embarrassed. That's enough of your cheek!
It’s not a single phenomenon. Frankly speaking, I witnessed the same situation in my hometown. Beside my mother’s old house there was a school, with a klunky building and simple and crude equipment. However it’s the only one primary school for children in that village, while government there loves fireworks. When festival, the night sky is gorgeous, shining the frazzle, below.
I think I learnt more from Fireworks than I did in junior school...
What a big topic!Is it from the Nanfangdaily?
Anyhow,wish you a great thanks given day!
That's why more and more people want to be civil cervants these years,i'm afraid. But i can see hope in some big cities in China. for example in GZ, the goverment indeed invests more than before,not only the money. from my father's job i know that goverment has awared that the children are the hope of us.So they have done more than the before in every field for the children.
The people in the eastern part of china are staying in gorgeous building while the people in the western part in klunky buildings. But most of the eastern people are in a good conscience. That is the sadness of china.
sometimes i think that too much help to the poor districts doesn't really help them, especially when the help is mostly about money. only after one get his own consciousness that he can be strong enough to keep going dowm his fate and get his happiness. so what the goverment should do is just give them an impartial social environment and some necessary protection and guidance.
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