However, the questioning never stopped. People were desperate to know who the lucky guy was. “We didn’t see the winner. How can we believe?” said one journalist, who didn’t want to tell his name.
Well, it’s obvious. All of the problems will be solved if the winner put himself forward. Journalist tried every trick in the book only wanted to find out the winner, but still couldn’t prevail against the lottery centre’s strategy - luring the enemy from his base. Therefore, almost all the journalists were targeting at the Lottery Centre. But, did the lottery centre do anything wrong?
Chinese lottery issue management measure states that all levels of marketing mechanism (including retailer) are obliged to keep the information of winners confidentially. They can’t let the information become public unless they get the permission from the winner. It means that keeping the information confidentially is the lottery issuing agency’s responsibility. The lottery centre was free from mistakes.
A month ago, media critic Mr. Sheng Dalin published an comment named “the lottery winner‘s identity should not be kept secret”, which called forth sharp criticism. People who fought against his viewpoint insisted that “if the identity reveal, troubles will follow as soon as possible.” Such as, relatives would want their share of cake, and thieves would be frequent visitor...But in many other countries, the identity of winner is unhidden.
In my opinion, Lottery is kind of Public game. The revealing of identity surely may cause some kinds of problems but it’s still possible. In view of practical situation in China, postponing revealing may be a feasible method. In the deferred period, the winner can adjust his heart and mind, and handle his wealth appropriately. And the public can have opportunity to realize who the winner is.
Kill two birds with one stone, why not?
Cool, what a lucky guy, I hope I could win the lotto, as this guy did!
deferred revealing sounds quite interesting, another way is limited disclosure, satisfying the media without giving out everything about the winner (may be easier said than done!)
Deffered Revealing is quite a good Idea.
Also become Lottery opener in China.Don't you see?There are often 'FU LI CAI QUAN' Activities in die open Air.And the Winners are seen in the Pubilc.
winning a lottery is not a good thing. buddha said if you get something, you will lose something
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